I studied for about one and a half year in Ric Cognitive Learning Center and my results have improved tremendously since then. I am now studying in Nanyang Girls Secondary with a T-Score of 269+2 for my PSLE. I feel that Ric Cognitive Apporach has helped me a lot throughout my PSLE journey.
I always enjoy studying in the center as I will not be distracted easily. When I am tired, I could take a short break. This method of studying is effective as I am able to absorb the information better than storing all the information and overstressing my brain. Ric Cognitive Approach® uses very unique and useful techniques, different from other tuition centres, to enhance my studies. After attending the lessons, I am now able to memorise essays very quickly.
The teachers are also very helpful and encouraging. I hardly feel bored from studying or attending the lessons. Ric Cognitive is indeed an excellent place for everyone to learn and study at. – H. Y., Secondary 1, Student of PSLE I’m Ready!
I really feel that Ric Cognitive Approach® has helped me achieve greater heights in my studies. I thought Ric Cognitive Approach® would be like some ordinary tuition where the teacher would teach us a subject and give us homework to do. But after joining, I realized that I was completely wrong.
Since I joined Ric Cognitive Approach® at the end of Primary 5, I had to apply Ric Cognitive Approach® to my studies for PSLE. It was not an easy task as it was rather foreign to me but with Teacher Ric’s help, I was able to apply it well into my studies within a short period of time. From then on, my grades improved and I was able to remember things faster and easier. I really enjoyed the lessons as its not all about studies. Whenever I get stressed up revising for PSLE, he would tell my group jokes and play games with us. Therefore, Ric Cognitive Approach® has really helped me achieve good grades in PSLE and also remember things quicker. – B. C., Primary 6, Student of PSLE I’m Ready!
I joined RIC with my sister after my parents saw the improvement my sister had in the Holiday Program. I was in Secondary 4 then but I faced a lot of difficulties in my studies, having mediocre results and had problems memorising the content for ‘O’ Levels next year. After one year of preparation using Ric Cognitive Approach®, my results improved tremendously and I obtained a L1R4 of 14 and managed to enter the course of my choice in Temasek Polytechnic. The method learnt in RIC is a life-long learning method and a method that I am able to apply easily in the future. – C. L., Secondary 5, Student of ‘O’ Levels I’m Ready!