Gain IQ
With his research experience from university, our founder has integrated measures of intelligence in our program since 2013 with the hypothesis that Ric Cognitive Approach® helps students aged 4-17 to enhance and gain IQ.
Based on the data we obtained, the results in 2016 suggested that we have succeeded in improving students’ IQ tremendously, and their scores on standardized measures of fluid intelligence improved significantly within 12 months. Here we present evidence for transfer from our cognitive approach on demanding working memory task to measure of fluid intelligence as well as their intellectual progression in the drawing test.
Expert in Enhancing IQ
The images from the drawing tests and the measures of IQ in percentile rank suggested that the fluid intelligence (IQ) and intellectual development of our students have significantly increased after Ric Cognitive Approach® cognitive and brain training.
Enhancement of Fluid Intelligence (IQ) after Ric Cognitive Approach® Cognitive and Brain Training
The drawings and IQ percentile rank below provide concrete evidence of our scientific claim that we have succeeded in improving students’ IQ significantly after Ric Cognitive Approach® cognitive and brain training.
Girl, 3 years 3 months

Girl, 5 years old

Boy, 5 years old

Girl, 8 years old

Boy, 10 years old

Girl, 7 years old
Girl, 16 years old
Assessing Children’s IQ Through Drawings
No doubt, many people neither know nor believe that children’s drawing is associated with their IQ. However, many research articles showed that children’s IQ is closely related to drawing abilities and their drawings provide us with information about their cognition and IQ.
Below are drawings of two groups of children, of the same age, one who has undergone Ric Cognitive Approach® cognitive and brain training and the other without. It is obvious that students who had undergone our cognitive and brain training drew more complex and beautiful pictures.
It’s for you to determine and judge the effectiveness of how our approach can accelerate and enhance our students’ IQ and intellectual development based on the evidence shown.
Girl, 6 years old
Without Ric Cognitive Approach® training
Girl, 6 years old
After 1 year of Ric Cognitive Approach® training
Boy, 10 years old
Without Ric Cognitive Approach® training
Girl, 10 years old
After 10 months of Ric Cognitive Approach® training
“The Images of Children’s Drawings Provide Compelling Evidence of Growth After Attending RIC Cognitive Approach®.”
As children become more mature and reach higher levels of cognition through RIC Cognitive and Brain training, their drawings will develop from simple representations to more advanced and complex images, as seen below. The drawings imply that students who have undergone RIC Cognitive and Brain training, receive constant brain stimulation which results in an enhancement of their IQ, learning, memory and academic performance.
Boy, 14 years old
After 1.5 years of Ric Cognitive Approach® training
Girl, 11 years old
After 3 months of Ric Cognitive Approach® training

Boy, 10 years old
After 6 months of Ric Cognitive Approach® training
Boy, 9 years old
After 1 year of Ric Cognitive Approach® training
Girl, 10 years old
After 9 months and 3 years of Ric Cognitive Approach® training respectively